Registry Handling

Podman uses registries to store container images. The registry is usually specified as part of the name of the container image. I.e. if the first part (everything before the first /) contains a dot (.) or colon (:) this part is interpreted as an address (optionally, a port may be specified) of a remote registry. This registry is used during push and pull operations. Podman uses by default, but this plugin requires specifying the registries explicitly. Authentication is explained in the next Authentication section.

This registry is (or registries are) used for pulling (i.e. a base image is specified in the Containerfile during podman:build) and pushing with podman:push. This plugin requires that the pushRegistry is explicitly specified. For a more fine-grained control, separate registries for pull and push can be specified using the configuration parameters <registries> and <pushRegistry>.

Example configuration of registries
            <!-- Results in image -->